Workers' Compensation Risk Management and Cost Control Programs for BX Members
The BX workers’ comp program continues to offer the best possible premium savings options. For the upcoming group rating year, you can be quoted to save as much as the BWC maximum discount (53%) to a smaller percentage for companies with claims.
The current groups of 267 members are expected to save almost $4 million in premium payments!
Since the inception of group rating, BX group members have reduced their premiums and saved more than $95 million.
Even if you are in another group rating program, there’s no cost or commitment to compare your current program to the savings and stability of the BX group. You could save thousands more!
For a NO COST, NO OBLIGATION analysis of your potential premium savings through the BX workers' compensation group rating programs, complete the interactive Temporary Authorization to Review Information form on the Sedgwick website. | CLICK HERE | You may also contact Shane Castle, program manager.
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Member Since: 1980