As a BX Member, you can get everything you need, all in one place and at exclusive savings with the BX/Staples Business Advantage partnership. Your exclusive Staples Business Advantage Program provides:
► Deep Discounts on a market-basket of items available through order.StaplesAdvantage.com.
► Fast and Easy internet ordering, featuring order reports to help manage your spending.
► Reduced Costs and Overall Savings with a Total Program. Our one source solution includes office supplies, breakroom products, facility cleaning products, furniture, advertising specialty, printing, business machines, janitorial and technology projects.
This exclusive BX Member program is offered only through Staples Business Advantage. The prices and services presented with this program are not available in our Staples retail stores, Staples websites or mail order catalogs. So, sign up today and start saving on:
► Office Supplies
► Janitorial Supplies
► Safety Supplies
► Breakroom Supplies
► Technology Products
► Office Furniture
► Promotional Products
► Print Solutions
Contact your BX Strategic Account Manager, Kathryn Albury at kathyrn.albury@staples.com today!
Member Since: 2011